(7th BRICS Conference in Ufa, Russia. July 2015.)
On the last day of 2018, Vladimir Putin sent New Year´s messages to the presidents of the four BRICS countries, Brazil, India, China and South Africa. In the messages, promises were made to maintain strategical cooperation with each one of them as well as the bloc´s joint cooperation in the international organizations.
Emphasis on bilateral cooperation was given to China. Putin said the partnership between the two countries is at an "unprecedented level". With GDP expected to grow only 1,7%, a partnership with the world second-largest economy with a growth rate around 6% is key. Its worth to remember that in July 2014, Russia and China made U$ 400 billion deal for the sale Russian natural gas to the Asian giant. In times of tension with the Western countries and the inflow of liquefied gas from US to Europe since April 2016, Russia leans to Asia searching for support and money.
Emphasis on bilateral cooperation was given to China. Putin said the partnership between the two countries is at an "unprecedented level". With GDP expected to grow only 1,7%, a partnership with the world second-largest economy with a growth rate around 6% is key. Its worth to remember that in July 2014, Russia and China made U$ 400 billion deal for the sale Russian natural gas to the Asian giant. In times of tension with the Western countries and the inflow of liquefied gas from US to Europe since April 2016, Russia leans to Asia searching for support and money.
As for Brazil, there may be changes in the relationship with Russia. Putin also send New Year´s congratulations to the new president-elect, Jair Bolsonaro. But Bolsonaro has indicated, on several occasions throughout his campaign, the intention of approaching the US and Israel. The choice of the new chancellor, Ernesto Araújo, a strong supporter of a pro-Western policy, as his article "Brazil in the boat of Ulisses" (in portuguese) makes clear, should mean, if not some distancing, at least a displeasure for Moscow. Alexander Dugin, founder of the Eurasian Movement and the most influential thinker in Russia´s military and political circles, stated in Facebook that Bolsonaro is a "ultra-liberal authoritarian" and that supports the left in Brazil, explaining in another post that it is a non-globalist left. This indicantes a possible rejection of the new president by the Kremlin.
In the last years, the BRICS has shown opposition to the US and the Western attitudes in the global arena. Russia, China and Brazil (up to the Dilma government) have been the main actors in this regard. Brazil´s new role in the world is still open, but for Russia regions such as Asia and Europe have greater relevance, particularly the military partnership with China and its gigantic commodity market.